We would like to inform you that Magical Methods has now made available Training Kit for Toddlers which you can buy from its new India Centric website.
This kit is good for training toddlers who are in the age group of 6 – 7 years.
The pricing of the Training Kit has been kept low so that everybody who would like to train his/ her toddler can buy it.
Magical Methods Training Pvt. Ltd. organized Blind Fold Tower of Hanoi contest at its training centre in Sector-31, Gurgaon on occasion of Teacher’s Day (5th September 2013).
Tower of Hanoi
In this contest the participating students were blind folded with the help of handkerchief as shown in the picture and a Tower of Hanoi was placed in front of them. They had to transfer five disks from one tower to another tower using the helping tower.
Blind Folded Girl
Working on Tower of Hanoi is complex. Tower contains several wooden disks. Largest disk at the bottom. Smaller than that above that and so on. The rule of the game is you can lift only one disk at a time and you can not put bigger disk on the smaller one. The students had to show tower building on another pillar one by one. The total number of steps involved in transferring five disks on another pillar is fifty seven.
You can gauge the toughness of the competition from the fact that the rings of the Tower of Hanoi was not visible to them as they were blindfolded. They could not see it but only touch. They had to compare the size of the disk and shift them based on touch only.
Paarisha Kapoor clocked 38 seconds and won Gold Medal.
Gold Medalist
Shashwat Shukla Clocked 40 seconds and won Silver Medal.
Silver Medalist
Saamya Goyal Clocked 44 seconds and won Bronze Medal.