A lot of people asked us can we provide them with a method by which they can start their business in USD 200 and start earning.
Initially we wondered and thought ourselves.. Is it possible? But we continued thinking and now we are in position to offer a business which is going to cost you less than USD 200.
There are 2 options.
Option-1: Work with Kids in the age group 8 – 12 years on mental calculation and tables up to 99 and start earning.

Cost of the Kit: USD 149
Option-2: Work with Kids in the age group of 4 – 7 years on Mental Maths.

Cost of the Kit: USD 99
You get Video Instructions on How to use the Kit. We support you through phone, WhatsApp, skype and e-mail.
Click Here to Visit the Website and have a look at the training Kits.