Magical Methods Training Pvt. Ltd. organized Mathematical Treasure Hunt Contest at its training centre in Sector-31, Gurgaon on occasion of Teacher’s Day.
What is Mathematical Treasure Hunt?
In this contest the students are asked to find a hidden number from 1000 numbers based on the clues provided to them by the teacher. The clues are not direct. This contest is very tough considering the number of logical steps students are required to perform to get to the hidden number.
The first participant had his number between 0 and 1000, second participant had his number between 1001 and 2000, third participant had his numbers between 2001 and 3000 and so on. The number of clues which could be provided by the teacher was limited to 6 only.
How the Contest Unfolded?
Only 3 participants could find the number correctly. So they entered in the final round.
In the final round the participant who got his number first was declared the Winner of the contest. The participant who answered second was declared 1st Runner Up and the participant who answered in the end was declared 2nd Runner Up.
Saarthak Suhag was the first to answer and won Gold Medal.

Soumya Pillai answered second and won Silver Medal.

Kanksha Chawla was the last to answer and won Bronze Medal.

Source: Magical Methods Training Centre, Sector- 40, Gurgaon