A lot of people ask me why my child is weak in Mathematics? Why he does not take interest in the subject? Principals across Indian schools are fighting with this issue. I remember sometime back ministry of HRD reduced the syllabus of Math in class X due to the same reason.
From last 4 – 5 years I am witnessing a phenomenon, a lot of students in class 5 suddenly discover that he/ she is not able to cope up with the math syllabus. He/ she needs some sort of quick help. Their parents start searching for persons who can work with their ward and bring them up to the level. But such help does not come forth very easily.
The market is full with tuition teachers who can help with the school syllabus but alas they are not able to help where it is required.
In my opinion the weakness in Math has taken a shape of epidemic because no one focuses on basics of Math. So when the kids grow up their mathematical base is absent. Therefore, they start finding math difficult and uninteresting. This lead us to another question, how to rekindle interest of kids in mathematics?
The solution comes in the form of our program Math Doctor. This program has been developed to take care of such students who have lost interest in Math.
Normally we take 30 one hour classes to address the issue. Tarun Goel will tell you his own story how his finger counting has vanished, how his calculation speed has doubled, how his logic has improved considerably and so on.
If Your Child Find Math Difficult/ Uninteresting then you can benefit from our services. We are helping Kids from 1998. Reach out to us https://magicalmethods.com/MathDoctor/index.html

Written by: Mr Pradeep Kumar [Founder, Magical Methods]