I thought of writing several times on this topic but every time a question crossed my mind “Why Kids tend to switch to gadgets?”
I thought over it several times and found that kids switch to mobiles to have fun. Once I had answer to this question another question crossed my mind “When do they switch to gadgets?”
I found that kids switch to gadgets when they are idle.
Armed with these information I started thinking of the ways which will engage them and entertain them.
So, how to work on it?
- No-No to learning through Videos: This contributes to their gadget addiction. Most kids find reading and writing difficult when they are exposed to learning through videos at an early age.
- Outdoor Activity: Kids love to play. Playing with friends helps them a lot. It develops their gross motor skills. Moreover, they stay away from the gadget.
- Play with them if you can: Is the kid in you alive and kicking? Or now you have grown up? I normally tell parents to play with their kids if they can.
- Activity Based Learning: Kids love to do things on their own. If they can do it using hands then better. I suggest parents to engage them in some activity where they use their hands and feet. May be you can give them some material and ask them to make something. A good example will be asking kids to make flower-pot using newspaper. I remember my small daughter saying “abaka” when she was not even able to speak properly. Are you wondering what is this “abaka”? In her language it was I will do it myself.
- Use My Activities: I keep on posting a lot of activities on my Facebook page which you can use. You can connect with me or follow me on Face Book: Pradeep Kumar
Written by Pradeep Kumar [Founder, Magical Methods]
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