Start Your Business in USD 200

A lot of people asked us can we provide them with a method by which they can start their business in USD 200 and start earning.

Initially we wondered and thought ourselves.. Is it possible? But we continued thinking and now we are in position to offer a business which is going to cost you less than USD 200.

There are 2 options.

Option-1: Work with Kids in the age group 8 – 12 years on mental calculation and tables up to 99 and start earning.

Cost of the Kit: USD 149

Click Here to get more info

Option-2: Work with Kids in the age group of 4 – 7 years on Mental Maths.

Cost of the Kit: USD 99

Click Here to get more info

You get Video Instructions on How to use the Kit. We support you through phone, WhatsApp, skype and e-mail.

Click Here to Visit the Website and have a look at the training Kits.

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WIN a Teachers Training DVD Course worth Rs. 6500/- from Magical Methods

This Course would help you to teach amazing things to your students which you might not have imagined. You would be able to teach them how to calculate squares, cubes, square roots and cube roots in their mind leave aside multiplication and division. You would also be able to teach them a system using which they would be able to verify their calculation without rework. This is going to save a lot of their time and help them improve their performance and Guaranteed to give you a lot of Name and Fame.

Check complete details of the DVD Course

Participate in WIN Learn to Teach Vedic Maths DVD Course

WIN a Teachers Training DVD Course worth Rs. 6500/- from Magical Methods Read More »


Crack CAT Smartly……by working differently…

Winners don’t do different things, they do things differently– Shiv Khera, World-renowned motivator and teacher

Today MBA is the most sought after career. And if you can do MBA from any of the IIMs, nothing like it. More than 3,50,000 students take CAT every year. They have a DREAM of doing their MBA from IIMs. But do you know that how many of them really make it to IIMs? To enter into IIMs, you should be a CAT material.Are you a CAT material?

CAT is difficult when you try to crack it in conventional way…

The objective of CAT is to select a small number of BRIGHT students who are going to be business leaders of tomorrow. Just imagine only some students will be selected in IIMs & rest will be eliminated. It means that approximately 350,000 students will be eliminated. It means that 350,000 dreams will be SHATTERED. Would you like to see your dream SHATTERED?

Eventually DREAM without concrete Success Plan gets SHATTERED…

You dream of getting into IIMs but do you know where do you stand and how much work you would be required to put up to CRACK CAT? No! You don’t know because you haven’t thought of it and you have not planned for it.

If you want to crack CAT then plan for it….

Babur had 12000 soldiers whereas Ibrahim Lodhi had 1,00,000 soldiers and 1000 war elephants. Babur WONbecause he had a plan and Ibrahim Lodhi DIED because he went unplanned.

CAT is a BATTLE, you can WIN it if you make your Success PLAN…

Babur made his success plan…

Babur took up a defensive position. He based his right flank upon city walls, a ditch protected his left flank and front lay behind a line of 700 carts tied together with rawhide ropes to break cavalry charges. Every 100 yards passages were provided for his horsemen to ride through for attack. His archers and matchlock men heavily defended those passages.

Ibrahim marched slowly and without plan, as his officers had never seen such defence before. Mongols have created a fort in middle of a plain his spy informed him. Babur sent out his horsemen to raid Sultan’s army on 9th April. After a light engagement Mongol broke and ran back, it was a feint and it worked.

Battles are fought on SPEED and ACCURACY…

Babur won due to his SPEED and ACCURACY.

At about 400 yards Babur’s Cannons opened fire noise and smoke terrified Afghans and the attack lost momentum. Seizing the movement Babur sent out his flanking columns to envelop the Sultan’s army. Here Afghans met first time the real weapon of Mongols ‘Turko-Mongol Bow’. Its superiority as an instrument of war lay in the fact that it was the arm of the nobles, of the finest warriors. Bow in hand of a Turko-Mongol would shoot three times as rapidly as musket and could kill at 200 yards.

You saw Gulf WAR-I and gulf WAR- II on your TV. US won the war due to their superior technology which gives them SPEED and ACCURACY.

What do you have for SPEED and ACCURACY?


IF you do a lot of practice then also you will not be able to improve your speed beyond a certain point. Why?

Each system has got its own limitations. Similarly the Conventional System (which you are using at present) has its limitations too. Even a lot of practice will not be able to break this limitation.

Battles are fought INTELLIGENTLY

Punjab was plagued with terrorism in mid 80. Inspector General K. P. S. Gill fought the battle INTELLIGENTLY. Today, Punjab is free from terrorist activities thanks to initiative taken by the SUPER COP.

Do you want to fight the battle for CAT like K.P.S. Gill did?

Do you want to fight the battle for CAT like Babur did?

Do you want to fight the battle for CAT like US did?


The ULTIMATE Package for CAT preparation

How to order SHYSMBA? Visit

We offer the package SHYSMBA which provides Calculation Builder plus Reading Speed Enhancement Package plus Application of Magical Methods in QA and DI. Last but not the least SHYSMBA also containIntelligent Guessing Module. Just check what students say about SHYSMBA.

Hi … I had ordered the SHYSMBA package and I am pleased to inform you that the SHYSMBA package was very fruitful … I have got a final Call from MDI, Gurgaon and NMIMS, Mumbai. I am also in The Wait List for NITIE, Mumbai. I also had a GD/PI call from TAPMI, Manipal which I did not attend. A 97.79 Percentile in CAT. Thanks a Lot for the excellent package. –Hemant Kumar Jain

At the outset I would like to congratulate as well as thank you on the extremely helpful Magical Methods package introduced by you. It has proved to be a saviour for people like me who have been detached from Mathematics for quite a period of time. My speed has certainly gone up.–Prakul

SHYSMBA helps you to work out your Success Plan for CAT…

How to order SHYSMBA? Visit

I started going through SHYSMBA package. Its really mind blowing you can be so fast. It will certainly help me in my MBA entrance exam– Subhash Sahni

I am preparing for my CAT exam, SHYSMBA package of Magical Methods helped me a lot and also improved my calculation speed. Thank you very much–Namah

I have Bought a CAT MBA Course from you. I Found It Very Interesting and Helping. And I Want to know, Do You have more Study Material Like this–Gaurav Arora

SHYSMBA helps you with your Calculation and Reading Speed….

How to order SHYSMBA? Visit

You require very good Calculation and Reading speed especially mental calculation. Calculation Speed Builderof SHYSMBA helps you to calculate 10 to 15 times faster and Reading Speed Enhancement Package of SHYSMBA helps you to increase your reading speed beyond 1000 words per minute.

SHYSMBA helps you to work faster with DI and QA…

How to order SHYSMBA? Visit

About 70 -80 % of the problems, which appear in DI and QA section in CAT, can be solved without much of calculation. SHYSMBA helps you in this area by giving a lot of EXAMPLES.

SHYSMBA helps you to think out of the Box…

How to order SHYSMBA? Visit

You do not require to workout every question. You can use Intelligent Guessing to solve problemsvisually. You can take help of your subconscious mind to find out the correct answer in complex situation. Intelligent Guessing Module in SHYSMBA helps you to do that.

You can be confident with SHYSMBA on your side…

How to order SHYSMBA? Visit

Its like Babur’s ‘Turko-Mongol Bow’.

[A Turko-Mongol would shoot three times as rapidly as musket. SUPERIOR WEAPON]

SHYSMBA Read More »

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