Learn Vedic Mathematics

Webinar would be conducted by renowned Vedic mathematician Mr. Pradeep Kumar. 

About Mr. Pradeep Kumar:
Mr. Pradeep Kumar is an avid researcher and a remarkable trainer. He is an engineer and has done MBA from IIM Bangalore. He has over 20 years experience in industry. His work on Indian Mathematics (Vedic Maths) is most referred work across the country. He trains teachers to teach maths to children through games. He applies Vedic Math principles and Games to bring desired improvement in students. Hundreds of schools and thousands of teachers teaches children using his methodology. Magical Methods has grown from a small entity to a behemoth under him. Magical Methods.

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Own a Magical Methods Resource Centre in Your City

Earning Potential: More than Rs. 1.5 Lac per month

Investment : Rs. 50,000/-

Magical Methods Training Pvt. Ltd. is carrying out several training programme for teachers and students using technology. Magical Methods is establishing Magical Methods Resource Centre across the country to expand its operations. Magical Methods is providing EXCLUSIVE territory to the resource centre based on the geographic area (normally a district).

For further details visit http://www.magicalmethods.com

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 Vedic Maths for Teens

 Vedic Maths for Teens

This course is for student who wants to achieve high in his life. Suitable for Class VII – X (12 – 16 years).

This course has been developed in adaptive format and adapts to the skill set of the students. This course is web based and can be accessed by the students from anywhere. This Course has been taught by Mr. Pradeep Kumar who is teaching Vedic Mathematics since last 24 years. He is an Engineer and has done MBA from IIM Bangalore.

Benefits: This course would train students to do tables up to 99 and lot of other fast methods of calculations. Students joining this course would be able to perform calculations which they normally tend to leave after writing  steps. They would not lose marks due to calculations not done.

For More Details visit:

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